My favourite definition of faith is that by Clarence Jordan,
author of the Cotton Patch translations of the New Testament: "Faith is
not belief in spite of evidence; but a life in scorn of the consequences."
It means living your beliefs, regardless of what it may cost. It means having
integrity; it means "walking the talk". Our free-thinking,
independent-minded way of approaching life is poles apart from accepting a
creed because someone higher up the religious hierarchy tells us to. I would
like to share the statement of faith from the website of my home congregation, Northampton , which was cobbled together from a variety of
other Unitarian sources (General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian
Churches leaflet A Faith Worth Thinking About, and
Rev. Cliff Reed):
Our Faith
Unitarianism is a religious movement in which individuals are free
to follow their reason and conscience; there is no pressure from creed or
scripture. We are open to change in the light of new thought and discoveries.
We believe that:
- everyone has the right to seek truth and
meaning for themselves.
- the fundamental tools for doing this are
your own life experience, your reflection upon it, your intuitive understanding
and the promptings of your own conscience.
- the best place to do this is a community
that welcomes you for who you are, complete with your beliefs, doubts and
We offer:
- liberty of conscience and freedom from
imposed creed, confessions and dogmas.
- a fellowship where people come together
to worship; to share times of celebration and trial; and to help each
other in the quest for a faith to live by.
We affirm the universal values of love and compassion, peace,
truth and justice.
We welcome all who come to us in the spirit of goodwill and
enquiry, regardless of ethnic or religious background, age, gender, or sexual
I think that's quite something. That statement of faith places a very high value on personal integrity - on finding your own way to the best that you know. It is not something that we do for one hour on a Sunday; it is a way of living - not only affirming the universal values of love and compassion, peace, truth and justice, but also doing our best to make them matter in the world, and in our own lives. It is something on which I can rest, in the assurance that if I try to live up to those ideals, I will be faith-fully working towards becoming the best person I can be.
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